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Monday, April 14, 2008

OpenGL and Java

Monday, April 14, 2008 Posted by Ismail Habib , 11 comments
While some programmers might still don't like this idea, developing a OpenGL-based 3D application using Java is possible. One option is to use the OpenGL implementation of Java3D, and the other is using an external library. JOGL (Java Binding for OpenGL) belongs to the latter category.

So, if you are a programmer who like to make a 3D application using OpenGL and also still want to take the advantage of Java's windowing system (AWT and Swing), JOGL is a great solution. JOGL allows access to most features available to C programming language programmers, obviously excluding GLUT. A quick example about how to work with JOGL could be found on wiki. For more detailed tutorial (my favourite) you can always visit NeHe. Though the sources related to the tutorial originally written in C++ but the Java version is also provided by other users.

Happy coding!


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