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Thursday, May 01, 2008

Google Analytics, a Tool for Bloggers and Webmasters

Thursday, May 01, 2008 Posted by Ismail Habib , 13 comments
At my early days of blogging, I had a doubt whether there are some people over there actually read my blog. Thus, if that is the case, how did they know about my blog, where are they come from, and what did they read? I think this is quite common questions for blogger or webmaster.

Google Analytics answers all of those and even some more unthinkable questions. It provides a nice package of web analytics including:
  • number of visitors and pageviews
  • bounce rate
  • average time spend on your site
  • percentage of new visitor
  • location of visitor
  • source of your traffic
  • detailed information about content
  • keyword used to reach your site
  • and many many many more

It wrapped nicely by google with a simple but nice interface (considering the number of features you get) and on top of that it is absolutely free! Are you using adwords? Then this tools also might come in handy, even though I don't know exactly how it works since I don't use adwords (yet). You can even customize your own goals in your blog/website. I believe those features will fit really nicely for a blogger/webmaster who really want to improve their website, or for people like me who enjoy playing around with statistics of my own website ;) Hey, I got a visitor from Moscow!

You can even put more than one website into this webmaster tools, as long as you really own them of course :) Google Analytics require us to put a tracking code into our blog/website (yea that is obvious).

If there is something lacking from Google Analytics then it must be because it updates the statistics on a daily fashion. For me, it is not that important to have a real-time statistics. However, a daily updates still seems too long. Let's just wait if Google is willing to give a higher update frequency. Meanwhile, it is still very useful and fun.


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